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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sunrider Grand Convention 2011

The 2011 Grand Convention, “Fresh New Look,” held July 6–9 in Long Beach, 
CA, provided an amazing chance for IBOs and ABOs from around the world to 
experience all the unique and special qualities of Sunrider.

Through exciting new Workshops, tours of the Los Angeles Manufacturing 

Plants and World Headquarters, and an overhauled General Sessions and Gala 
Evening, this year's convention was truly new and fresh!

Dr. Chen told everyone during Friday morning's Workshop that, for 29 years, 

Sunrider has:

1. Delivered consistent quality of products that are unparalleled
2. Paid bonuses on time and without fail
3. Despite period challenges, has ensured business continues to run.

He also simplified and illustrated how a new Independent Business Owner 

(IBO) can earn $1,000 in 4 months:

• Sponsor 2 IBOs in month 1 and have everyone duplicate this in coming months
• In month 4, the new IBO will have 81 in his group
• Have only 30 of these 81 switch to $200 worth of Sunrider® products
• This new IBO (now a new Business Leader in month 4) can earn $1,000

Dr. Chen went on to differentiate Sunrider's plan with a binary plan and 

underscored its strength.

With Drs. Chen and other leaders at the helm of insightful meetings and 

workshops, this was the perfect opportunity to gain knowledge and insight 
about the“Fresh New Look” of Sunrider's new products, business plans, and 
marketing and business tools.

IBOs had many great things to say about this year's Grand Convention. Read 

about it below!

“This was my first time at the Sunrider Convention and I had a wonderful time… 

It made an impact when [Dr. Chen] said, ‘Why aren't you all sharing this more 
with others?' and ‘Don't be a C student, we expect As from our children, and we 
should expect the same from ourselves'…The biggest key I will take with me, 
however, is that when change comes our way, which is inevitable, be prepared. 
Don't sit back in your easy chair and complain because you will ‘miss the train.'”

“Convention is my favorite time of the year. The information, the people, the 

family reunions, etc. The message of prosperity and partnership was terrific.”

“I came away from the conference with renewed enthusiasm [and] an even 

stronger conviction about what a treasure we have in these products.”

“The manufacturing tour was so great, seeing the quality, safety, and 

commitment that goes into every product is something I can tell others regarding Sunrider…The workshops I attended were helpful because I was able to learn the company goals and objectives…Seeing the promise of tomorrow through the Chen children was uplifting. I can see Sunrider's future holds great potential.”

Remember to share the excitement and knowledge of Grand Convention with 

your downline—have a Post Convention Meeting or a Conference Call and your 
business will benefit.

With another successful Grand Convention wrapped, it's time for us to start 

planning on attending Sunriders 30th Anniversary Convention in 2012 in Long 
Beach! Until then, check out for more pictures of this year's 
fabulous event.

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